I made a thing.

May 10, 2023
I finished the first of what will be many Tractor basses. It’s awesome.
how are the controls wired?
It’s a coil tapped BS-DS from Curtis Novak. I wound the J-pups with pretty standard specs.
The wiring is typical Jazz bass wiring for the J-pups with orange caps for the tone. It has a Push-Pull that has normal wiring in down position and series wiring in the up. The switch is on what is usually the neck volume pot. The output of that set goes to one lug of a stereo jack.
The BS-DS has a volume + tone with orange cap. It has the “dark star/tapped coil” mode on the down position for its push pull, which is located on the J-Pup neck volume pot so that it’s the default position. Pulling it up provides more power as a bi-sonic. Its output goes to the other lug of a stereo jack. That gives a stereo/mono output. CTS for all pots. 250k. Truly an amazing sound