How does their tension compare to strings like Rotosound stainless steel rounds and DAddario nickel rounds?Try the DR SS Lo-Riders for what you're looking for.
How does their tension compare to strings like Rotosound stainless steel rounds and DAddario nickel rounds?
Try the DR SS Lo-Riders for what you're looking for.
How does their tension compare to strings like Rotosound stainless steel rounds and DAddario nickel rounds?
Nickel Lo-Riders are less bright than steels.
This is true. Nickel-plated Steels are generally less bright (ie warmer) than the Stainless Steel counterpart.
I was just responding to the OP's inquiry about "the least bright stainless steel rounds".
Do you happen to know any strings with similar tension to Rotos? That's what I have right now, and I like the tension and flexibility. It would be great to have strings that aren't as rough on the hands but play the same way.DR Lo Riders and D'Addario pro and flex steels have been on my basses, but I finally tried Elixir and I'm liking them.
They feel really nice, and I didn't really give them much of a thought back when the early Elixirs would flake all over the place.
A good deal came my way on whatever is current when I picked up a Foto Flame J a week or so ago.
I'm glad I tried them.
Rotos would be the opposite end of the spectrum, in sound and "tear up your hands".
Dean Markley Blue Steels. I use #2676. Good controlled tone and very long lasting.. 50-105.
I use my tone knob to good effect with the Blue Steels. Takes the edge right off and rounds out the tone. Since all the strings that I have tried go from bright to less bright to dead over time, there might be an advantage (longer lasting) to start with a brighter edge on the tone. In my experience, brightness can be easily mellowed with a tone or EQ adjustment. Works for me, maybe worth a try for our OP.I love bright strings and have used Blue Steels to achieve that tone. The OP wants 'least bright' so I'm not sure these strings would be a good fit. Of the strings I've used more recently, I'd say Ernie Ball regular Slinky's are less bright than my usual choices (DRs, Dunlops, Blue Steels).