Midnight wine MIM jazz craigslist find. It was very reasonably priced, plays and sounds nice. Nothing wrong with the finish but the color just leaves me...uninspired. I've had it on CL for a while but no takers.
I finished my one and only refin 3 years ago (Fender nutdog signature Precision Lyte). I've got most everything left over except paint. Ordered olympic white and clear coat from reranch and a cheap tort guard from dragonfire. Ready to hit it. Using Irving's 64 with matching headstock for inspiration.
Midnight wine MIM jazz craigslist find. It was very reasonably priced, plays and sounds nice. Nothing wrong with the finish but the color just leaves me...uninspired. I've had it on CL for a while but no takers.
I finished my one and only refin 3 years ago (Fender nutdog signature Precision Lyte). I've got most everything left over except paint. Ordered olympic white and clear coat from reranch and a cheap tort guard from dragonfire. Ready to hit it. Using Irving's 64 with matching headstock for inspiration.