Dec 24, 2017
is anybody out there willing to tab out
A song called “I wanna die”, by Miranda Lambert?

It’s got such a sweet bass line behind it, but country bass tabs are damn near impossible to find!

My appreciation over flows, even for the consideration.
Thank’s in advance either way!

Jerry :)

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It's in D. It's essentially a 12 bar blues form with a bridge. The notes in the bass line are D, F natural, D and A on the I chord, G, B, C, and D on the IV, etc. The chords for the bridge are IV, I, IV, V, and #V. Bass might be tuned down, as there's a lot of string rattle. It's a good simple part that fits the song well.
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It's in D. It's essentially a 12 bar blues form with a bridge. The notes in the bass line are D, F natural, D and A on the I chord, G, B, C, and D on the IV, etc. The chords for the bridge are IV, I, IV, V, and #V. Bass might be tuned down, as there's a lot of string rattle. It's a good simple part that fits the song well.

Awesome, man!
Thank you!

Sorry everybody, for the misstep in the thread naming.