Ibanez BTB 1905 with Aguilar DCB Pickups?

Anyone played this bass yet?

Searching talkbass for BTB 1905 doesn't seem to yield any results.

Looks like they're taking a departure from the usual Nordstrand pickups on their premium stuff and using Aguilar pups on this particular model.

Sounds pretty different from most Ibanez basses to my ears:

And this 6! Wow, what a sexy beast!

I saw that model discussed in another thread, I actually posted the same video you did too. I was not trying to be a smart alec.

No worries, I just found it strange that it didn't show up in any search results.

Maybe TB uses a search algorithm that only matches thread titles and if you don't use the same words in the title than nothing shows up. If that's the case, then it actually would help search results to have multiple threads on a topic.

Anyways, to get back on topic, maybe someone will chime in that has had a chance the play the bass. :bassist: