Ibanez SR500 Mahogany body or 1995 Peavey Foundation 5 string?


Bassist for The Bad Downs (Wausau, WI)
Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2009
Northern Wisconsin
I have a chance to pick up either a Ibanez SR500 with the Mohogany body or a 1995 5 string Peavey Foundation locally for about the same price. Both are in good condition. The 4 vs. 5 string doesn't make a difference to me; it is the bass quality, playability, and tone that matters most to me.

There's a good chance that playability will be a wash, barring any setup issues - on average, I'd give the nod to US Peavey regarding quality, but sr500 series and up Ibanez are typically pretty good quality, too...

Tone is purely subjective - *I* personally prefer the tone of passive Peavey's over that of active Ibanez... FWIW, I've owned at least (3) sr505s, but flipped them all - but have also owned a Foundation 5 for a few years, and it's going nowhere... I've gigged my Foundation 5 quite a bit since getting it - but also have an EBMM Sterling 5 HS, if that says anything.... Hope this helps...
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There's a good chance that playability will be a wash, barring any setup issues - on average, I'd give the nod to US Peavey regarding quality, but sr500 series and up Ibanez are typically pretty good quality, too...

Tone is purely subjective - *I* personally prefer the tone of passive Peavey's over that of active Ibanez... FWIW, I've owned at least (3) sr505s, but flipped them all - but have also owned a Foundation 5 for a few years, and it's going nowhere... I've gigged my Foundation 5 quite a bit since getting it - but also have an EBMM Sterling 5 HS, if that says anything.... Hope this helps...

I appreciate the input - especially from someone who has owned both basses. Thank you.
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I've owned a Peavey Foundation 4 string and an Ibanez SR700 (essentially the same as the SR500 but with a different glossy finish). Both are good basses but it really depends on what kind of music you play, the tone you're after and whether factors such as a slim neck, weight factor in your decision. The Peavey's like a tank, built well, doesn't have the tonal variety of the Ibanez - I found the sound on the Peavey was less defined than that on the Ibanez which by virtue of the EQ you're able to boost the mid and get a good tonal sound for funk. The neck on the Ibanez is also better imo, it's Jatoba/Bubinga which is a smoother play than the maple neck of the Foundation, not to mention the SR slim neck profile. Build quality is pretty equal with that one big caveat in regards to the SR500. The mahogany finish is terrible. It is very prone to wearing away, most of the used ones I've seen have worn finishes near the neck pickup where you would usually have your thumb and also in the same area near the bottom string if the previous owner played funk or used a pick. Very thin finish, bad idea by Ibanez.
I no longer own either bass, but If I had to pick one of the two based on my prior experience with them and knowing what to expect, I'd probably pick the Ibanez. Again, it's a matter of personal taste, I can also see how some would pick the Peavey over the Ibanez.
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I would get the Peavey. They haven’t made ‘em for a while, and it’s a quality U.S. made bass.
SR500s are everywhere.

Good point - another is that the Peavey is a quality 5 string for peanuts, if a person was inclined to want a 5er... The low B on my Foundation 5 is excellent - especially for a 34" scale... An added bonus is that it really likes D'Addario EXL-170s - and their twin packs are very affordable...
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These basses are likely to feel/play very differently in one's hands and that - to me - would be the most important part of the equation. Hardware is upgradeable, but the "feel" is not.

I've given up on 5s more than 20 years ago, but if I *absolutely* had to get one of those - or my kids and grandkids would be kidnapped and sent to spend their lives slaving in a South African mine - I'd go with the Foundation. As fond as I am of Ibanez basses - generally speaking - I always found the string spacing to be way too narrow *for me* in their Soundgear 5s.

My $0.02 only...
Both of them a great instruments in their own right, given they're in good shape and functions the way they should. Get both of them, if you can afford it, and you got a setup that will handle any situation that you might find yourself in.

I'm actually thinking about getting both. The Ibanez would be a good bass for my daughter to learn on, and I wouldn't mind having a 5 string.
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I went for both. It turns out the guy I bought them from on CL was a fellow Wisconsin Talkbass member - and a very nice guy at that! Thanks Rich!!

However - I did promise my wife that I would sell my MTD if I bought both basses. I'll miss the MTD because it is a very nice sounding and playing bass, but my daughter said that she'd share the Ibanez with me and that I could play it anytime I want to. I feel that the Ibanez SR500 and MTD are about in the same class - they both play awesome and sound great.
I suppose I should post a photo of them.

SR500 & Peavey Foundation (1).JPG
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