Ideal bass player appearance

Below, on the left, is how I always envisioned my ideal bass player to look. (pictured here with his main squeeze girlfriend, in the violet getup. His bass would be a homemade hippie sandwich that weighs as much as a Chevy Big Block engine and he'd play through an Ampeg rig the size of a hunting cabin)

...and here is a picture of my actual bass player. Her bass is an acoustic, about the size and weight of a dreadnought guitar, plays through the little new Ampeg BA-1, but working on getting her a BC Rich Mockingbird fretless. At my age I should know better than to get romantically involved with a band member, and stick to heavyset older dudes with a beer gut and socks and sandals as bass players, as God intended bass players to be, but hey, watcha gonna do?
my bass player and co-singer>>>
lepa urska.jpg

ˇˇˇˇǎppearance of ideal bass playerˇˇˇˇ Fair enough representation of my singingˇˇˇˇˇˇ
ideal bass player.jpg
This is TalkBass. The ideal bass player look is cargo shorts, sandals, a goofy Hawaiian camouflage shirt, and one of those lame Kangol hats turned backward.
Yeah, that's pretty much along the lines of how I always envisioned my ideal bass player to look! Wide wale corduroy bell bottoms would be better than cargo shorts, though. And massive sideburns, goes without saying. And brings bottles of their own homebrew to practice, that's another ideal. Mine tends to bring fine dank, though, can't complain about that. Also, she can sing down into the vocal bass range doing that Mongolian throat/overtone singing thing, which sounds f-n *killer* with rock music, and is kinda shocking coming from a thin pretty white girl.
Wide wale corduroy bell bottoms would be better than cargo shorts, though.

Sorry, I'm a cargo shorts guy.

And massive sideburns, goes without saying.

Goes without saying that I have those, to the point of them being mutton chops. Actually, I think of it more as a beard with two channels the width of my razor shaved into it.

And brings bottles of their own homebrew to practice, that's another ideal.


Who knew I was so close to someone's ideal?