Identify this bass, please.

Mhmm. 2 knobs + 3 flip switches throw me off but I want it!
Oh I agree, me too. I play one, just 3 knobs, 2 humbuckers instead of those soapbar PUPs hes got. Im no expert though, many on here are. But that body is def Corvette. Thumb bass is the onky other model I can think of that would be remotely close, and the horns just dont add up.

Im certain Ive seen models with 4 knobs, its possible there's 5 knobbers out there. Again, not an expert. But if 5 is so, dude could have just modded them himself with a bit of solder and a few additional switches to facilitate what hes got going on with the ambient synth stuff hes doing. Either way cool stuff man!
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