Okay sooooo for the first time in my. Ass playing career I'm playing music that's not weddings restaurants and party's. Sooo I went big and put myself a rig together for a heavy doomy stonery metal band. But the last few rehearsals when I turn up my amp the attack seems soooo harsh that it kinda cracks. It sounds similar to rubbing the strings on the poles of a pickup. For refrense my rig from bass to cab is..... fender p bass to a darkglass - vintage ultra - darkglass duality - mxr chorus then to a hartke LH500amp and to a hartke hx4x10 hydrive. Always doing smaller gigs Iv used combos and never had soo many things in the chain. Iv noarrowed it down to ether the amp bass or cab . But I don't know how to diagnose it or even where to get it fixed. If you got any advice I'd be eturnaly greatfull!