Many years ago, we made the unfortunate mistake of allowing a "spoons player" to sit in with us mid-set. He came up to the stage between songs and badgered each of us to let him play until we finally gave in. A few guys in the band knew of him; he had a decent reputation. So, what could it hurt, right? Big mistake.
We were ahead of schedule for the set, so we had time to throw-in a quick funk jam for him to play to. He got up on stage with his cutlery, we gave him a mic, and away the band went. Personally, I try my hardest to be as open-minded as possible when it comes to a musician's playing style, as it is their art and their craft. However, this was just something else. Random clanking sounds, varying volume as he moved closer and then further away from the mic, no discernible rhythm or tempo....this guy's playing was the epitome of a dumpster fire. There was absolutely nothing musical, let alone pleasing to the ear, about what he was playing. Was it abstract art? What is it drugs?
Imagine Yoko Ono giving up singing (sic) to play with silverware.