Images in Post Quandary: Inline, or Attachment w/ Link

Feb 17, 2008
Hi, I posted a Classified ad, and figured out how to upload photos, and got them to appear where I wanted them in my text.

Not sure if I ticked some box to specify 'inline' – that is, so photos just appear in the text, rather than require a separate link to be clicked; but inline is what I got – and what I wanted: perfect.

But when I later edited my ad to optimize it, and swapped out one of the photos & re-ordered some, all of a sudden a couple of my shots were appearing as links-to-be-clicked – not what I want.
(They're all under 100kb, btw, so it's not a matter of too-big-files.)

Now I have a few links that don't even work: When I click them, I get "Error: You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action."

Here's the ad:
For Sale - TC Electronics RH750 Bass Head w/ Preset Memories, LED Display – Superb

Also: Is there a place I can go to manage the photos I've uploaded to my TB account? Maybe I'm over some storage limit?? If I could, I would delete some, and try my luck again.

Thanks for any suggestions! - peter
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