Installing TI Flats on a Jack Casady bass: any issues?

I'm thinking of getting TI flats for my Epi JC. I love this bass but it's currently in a weird place, since my current bands either call for flats (currently on a Hoefner Club, TIs, or an Orange O-Bass, Pyramid flats) or very bright roundwound strings (steel Rotosounds on both a long scale Dano and a P clone). The JC is kinda dark but it's not like it doesn't have treble at all, on the contrary, it's kind of a subdued but "glassy" treble, which, combined with the very growly character of the bass, doesn't work well with my current bands' sound (in a previous band of mine, doing a sort of Madchester-type rock, it worked wonders), especially with a pick. The JC sounds like it would greatly benefit from TIs because I think the TIs mid-forward character and mellow bass can help tame some of the things that don't work well in my bands' sound, while complementing the things that would work very well in the band (the comparatively long sustain of TI flats, for instance).

The problem is that the JC fits the infamous three-point bridge, and more specifically, there is no easy way to individually adjust each string's height (it's a much coarser adjustement). TIs come in one set only, and they feature a very thin .070 A string. Before splurging on these expensive strings, has anyone else installed these strings on a JC? Are there any issues with the A string being too low compared to the adjacent strings?
I have TI flats on mine currently. They work fine for me, no issues with the bridge or setup. I'm not sure they're my favorite choice for this bass but I'm going to give them more time before trying something else.
I play finger style only between the pickup and the neck, and the low tension of the TIs there occasionally annoys me. I've also used La Bella 760 FL, Optima Chrome and Optima RB flats on my JC and of those four, I think I like the Optima RBs the best so far. They're nickel (like TIs) but a bit stiffer and thumpier. The La Bellas were dead (to me) after two full gigs though they probably would've sounded good played with a pick. The Optima Chrome flats were great except for the dead E string, which sounded so different from the rest and never balanced out over time. I gave up those.

I've used TI flats with great success on a number of my basses and when I've had the opportunity to hear playback of live performances with them, they always seem to sound better than I'd imagined at the time. After so many years (1979-2010) of digging in with Roto 66 45-105 s only, it's still a challenge for me at times to play with the disciplined consistency that brings the best out of TIs. I can do it though and will continue giving them time on the JC. They were a set that had been on my Ric 4003S for several months already - I like to experiment.
The only bass I have TIJF's on, is my Alembic Epic. Which is the bass I use for Jazz, and the only bass I never play with a pick. For that kind of music, and on that bass? They are absolutely superb. However... while I might consider using the TI's on any of my other 17 long scale basses, it would be because I had no other choice. The qualities that make them the only choice on the Alembic (well, besides Dogal's Hellborg Flats, maybe), make them a poor choice for the other kinds of music I play the majority of the time. Currently, I have a set of La Bella 760FGS Gold Flats on my Jack Casady Bass. IMO, they sound good on it, and they play well using a pick ( always a consideration). They aren't quite the Thump Monsters that the other La Bella flats are; more like the Optima RB's on my Rick 4003, IMO. They would be the strings for me on that bass, but; they are the grabbiest feeling strings I've ever played. Not "sticky"; that washes/wears off. These things are GRABBY; the brass outer winding does not want to let my fingers - my dry, smooth fingers - slide on them at all. Brass is sort of known for this, but... I knew that, and ignored it. I'm seeing motor oil - or similar - in the future of these strings. Or, maybe a trip to the dumpster - and a set of Optimas for my JC Bass...:cool:
I tried a set of Optimas (orange silk). I threw them away after ten minutes. The E string not only was dead, but it was also chorusy and weak. Yes, I bent the tips 90° before cutting them.

I had the same experience recently with Optima Chrome flats. I crimped them before cutting too, but the E string was dead (at best) from the beginning. I'd read that the E string of Pyramid flats was like this but a frequent poster here on TB suggested that the Optimas were different. That was not my experience. If this is a feature of these strings and not an anomaly, then they're definitely not for me.

The other three strings were okay and I gave the set a few months and paying gigs before tossing them.