Introvert? Extrovert? Which vert are you???


Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2019
In the 'Motivation: Why do we do it?' thread, a few fellow bass players described themselves as introverts... and it got me thinking.

In my daily life, I am largely an extrovert. I consider myself social and gregarious. However, onstage, I MUCH prefer the bass space; hanging in the back, laying down the groove, and supporting the band. Occasionally, I am asked to play lead guitar or sing. I'm happy to do it because I love music & performing. But I find it adds a little anxiety, as it puts me more 'out front'.

So my question is, is there an overall tendency for bassists to be more introverted and guitarists/singers to be more extroverted? (Notice I said 'tendency' because there are always exceptions).

How would you describe YOUR personality? Do you think your personality-type played a role in choosing your instrument?
I'm an omnivert. I think I'm naturally an introvert, but can, at times, be the biggest extrovert in the room. I do wish I could summon that part of me on stage with electric bass, but so far I'm more comfortable in the shadows - every time I try to do something "cool" or "showy", I completely muddle the line I'm trying to show off, so for now, I just try to get my lines right and do my best to appear to be having fun.

I used to march tuba in a band that had a very extroverted presence - lots of silly antics and interaction with the crowd - and I was right up there with the rest of them (maybe even more than most) so I know it's in me - as long as I don't have to think about it too much. Of course there was lot more alcohol involved back in the day, which certainly helped unleash my inner showman....
An extroverted introvert I guess. I can flip a switch and put on my "hey look at me!" routine, but I absolutely need equal measures of bedroom door closed leave me alone time.

The comments in this thread, and others, about being a back line player are weird to me. I was a vocalist in a punk band for a bit, and while there were certainly more eyes on me directly it really didn't feel much different. When up on stage performing, you have a room full of people watching you no matter how much you think you are hiding.

Edit: Personality type played no part in choosing bass. I heard the intro to the Ozzy song Believer in 4th grade and knew instantly I wanted to make THAT kinda noise.
I was born an introvert, without a doubt. I didn't like being an introvert however, and worked at the opposite. In the beginning that meant drinking enough to be the person I wanted to be. That had catastrophic results, and when I could no longer do that I made it a goal to practice the skills I felt I was lacking in. I believe we all lean in one direction or the other, but I am certain we can push at the comfort zones and grow past our perceived limitations.

Regarding performance, I can go either way. I'm fine with disappearing into the background (which is what I do these days at weddings), and well... pictures speak louder than words. Best example is probably at the 2:45 mark:


Introverts recharge their batteries by being alone. Extroverts need to recharge their batteries when they don’t socialize enough.

I can behave like an extrovert when/as needed, but it discharges my batteries faster than being in my natural state.

All that being said, I don’t feel selecting bass as my instrument was based on this personality trait, but the way I approached learning to play definitely was.
I'm a for-sure introvert.

Being an introvert and having a shy/receding personality are two separate things. Introverts generally have no problem being the center of attention, interacting with people or being a leader-- when they need to. The intro/extro difference is what happens after of all this interaction.

Extroverts will feel energized by being around a bunch of people, and are ready to continue (where are we going, now?). Introverts, by the end of the day, feel a strong need to "get away" for some quiet time in order to re-energize.

Extroverts thrive on interaction with others-- the more people the better. They have a hard time being home alone without communication with others. On the other hand, introverts thrive on solitude or meaningful interactions with just a few people. They can be happy spending the whole day with themselves and not talking to anyone.
I don't view being an introvert as a limitation nor do I view being an extrovert something I aspire to.
I don't either - now. Not at all.

I did then.

Introverts and extroverts both have their strengths and weaknesses. I believe it's important to recognize our strengths, not believe one is advantageous to the other, and for me - to regognize and build upon my weaker areas.
I don't either - now. Not at all.

I did then.

Introverts and extroverts both have their strengths and weaknesses. I believe it's important to recognize our strengths, and for me - to regognize and work on my weaknesses.
I agree (and sorry, didn't mean to seem argumentative), although I think those "weaknesses" are generally things we can work around when it comes to extrovert/introvert, but not change. For me the main thing is that if I am in a social situation, I generally need to "perform" unless it is core friends/like minded folk. This takes effort, and there is no way to recharge except solitude. I guess what I am also saying is that I view this as a strength, not a weakness to work on.
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I agree (and sorry, didn't mean to seem argumentative), although I think those "weaknesses" are generally things we can work around when it comes to extrovert/introvert, but not change. For me the main thing is that if I am in a social situation, I generally need to "perform" unless it is core friends/like minded folk. This takes effort, and there is no way to recharge except solitude. I guess what I am also saying is that I view this as a strength, not a weakness to work on.
I agree. There are many things about my introversion I used to think were weaknesses. They were just differences I needed to learn to use to my advantage.

A good example is with networking. I'm still not great at "wowing" people at social gatherings and getting them to want to be part of my team, but I am really good at forming close relationships with people who are willing to go out of their way to help me when needed. That's how I've gotten just about every good gig I've gotten in my life. Others get them through being a lot more out going.

When I was younger I thought the "winners" in life were all the out going ones. I understand how inaccurate that thinking was, today. Extroverts have just as many challenges as introverts. Just different ones.

They get arrested a lot more, too :) .
I'm the opposite of the OP. I'm very introverted in "real life," but once I get onstage I am happy to ham it up and be part of the "show." In my current band I'm always set up dead center stage and I do more talking onstage than anyone else -- myself and both guitarists all sing, and for whatever reason we found it natural from gig one to put me in the center so we had one guitarist on each side of the stage.
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Interesting. I always need a role to play, a job to justify my presence. Bass-playing gives me that. So, yeah: When I'm in front of a crowd, I'm on. When I'm not, I'm off. Although things have changed some: It took me a few years, but I can now schmooze with the best of them, even when what I really want to do is sit in a corner with my Kindle and read.