I've got a bad biamp/full range switch in my Hartke head. Sometimes the sound in the cabinets will begin to crackle and cut out. If I hit the biamp switch a bunch it clears up and will be fine for a few weeks.
Now up until today I believed it was only affecting the sound from the cabinets (the amps power stage). However, today when playing I noticed the same issue happening on the effects return.
How is this kind of switch generally wired? Can a bad biamp switch affect the sound in the effects loop? Or is this switch usually "downstream" in power and stage?
Thanks : )
Now up until today I believed it was only affecting the sound from the cabinets (the amps power stage). However, today when playing I noticed the same issue happening on the effects return.
How is this kind of switch generally wired? Can a bad biamp switch affect the sound in the effects loop? Or is this switch usually "downstream" in power and stage?
Thanks : )