I've been looking for solution to a non problem.

Dec 16, 2002
Central Alabama
I've been on a kick experimenting with compressors and preamps (I just got a Zoom MS-60B and been playing with it as well.) I took a bunch of stuff to the gig last night. I was going to try a piece at a time throughout the night. After soundcheck, a couple of sets, and a friend sitting in I realized I don't need anything in front of my rig.

My amp is a Burgera Veyron pushing 2x15'' cabinets. I use a little onboard compression and really don't run the eq up very much. It really depends on the venue. I guess that money was burning a hole in my pocket.
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Not all donuts need frosting or sprinkles.
Signal processors are either tools to solve a problem, compressors, HPF/LPF, EQ's, etc. or they are 'Effects' to add tonal variation/textures.
If your rig doesn't have "problems" or the music you play doesn't need 'effects' then they will have no value to you.

I have two bands. In one all I use is a few different types of dirt pedals, in the other I use a large pedalboard filled with all types of effects. I also play in another band from time to time in which I use no pedals at all.

As with all the other equipment we use, use what is necessary/appropriate for the gig.
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No, never considered using one.

I wouldn't consider the Zoom compressors and pre-amps to be anything special. Heck, I wouldn't even call them good. I am not saying you need a compressor but I wouldn't use those as a final judgement. I would also second the suggestion for an HPF though. They clear up some of the low end so you get a much more punchy and defined sound.