J-P-J Configuration Question

Mar 10, 2020
I have a question to ask if anyone would be willing to help me out. So I'm making a design for a custom four string and I was considering giving the bass a layout like Stu Hamm's Urge II bass with a J-P-J configuration. That layout has enticed me for some unknown reason. I even managed to find a manual online for the old Urge II with a wiring diagram and all. So basically my question is, will this configuration be trouble and, if so, is it worth it? Will I even be able to find a pick guard, electronic assembly, and/or pickups to wire everything to? Any help would be deeply appreciated as this is my first venture into custom designing. Thanks in advance.

Custom Mockup.png


It’s not a bad design. The one Urge I played had unintuitive electronics, I think one volume adjusted J pickups, one the P, and you could blend between them or something... well, I think I’d start with independent on/off switches, maybe some series/parallel action too, or a simple pickup selector switch (can be rotary for looks). Then volume-tone (and/or cap selector switch).

Ultimately, I’d try to do so some testing first, see what works well. It will be trial and error, you probably won’t find any prewired electronics for that setup. You are also probably on your own for pickguards...

One alternative to JPJ is JMMJ, like Atelier Z basses. The P in the middle can be a bit weak on bass. I thought MM works quite well there, if you like that sound. But with Js on both sides, you’ll have options anyway...
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You will absolutely not find a premade pickguard for that configuration. Or a wiring harness.
Vol/vol/vol/tone would be easy to wire up yourself, though. Another interesting option would be vol/vol/tone with a switch to select between the front J and P.
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