Jackie Street (obscure recording)

Apr 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Back in the mid 90's I was playing bass for a traveling ministry group and we would pass the time on the road by listening to all sorts of music. We had some "connections" within the Christian music scene and would often get pointed in the direction of different new artists or compilation CD's and even some stuff that never went public. One of those compilation CD's (I believe that's where I first heard this) featured a family of younger kids called 'The Brothers'. They have since gone on to become 'Force Family 5' but back in the 90's we didn't really have a clue who they were. I was talking with one of my old traveling buddies and we recalled those guys, and with a little searching through youtube found the track I was looking for. To get to the point, the late Jackie Street was the bassist on this track and he lays it down!! I hadn't heard this song in some 20+ years but by the time the song ended after listening to it again I had a grin from ear to ear. The whole thing is worth the listen! I think @Dr. Cheese might like this one too.

I went to college with Jackie Street for a short time and he was an absolute price of a guy. No ego just mad skills with quiet confidence. Great on upright too.

He didn't start playing until he was in high school but he surly made up for lost time.
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