I hadn't watched it all the way through, glad you posted it. It's interesting to hear him talk about working all the time, etc, when by that point his gigs were an interesting situation, often sabotaged by his mental state on a particular day. As a clinical social worker, I really wish I had been born earlier and been in a position to help, however the view of mental health issues was very different at the time, as was the music culture in NYC. I do know people tried to help him, but he was resistant and also the medications he was prescribed dulled his mind a lot, squashing his creativity. Like many people (most even?) who are geniuses that transcend and redefine their field, it's the "mental illness" that actual unlocks the ability to think differently and change the field. I put quotes around it because in that context, in that one area of the person's life, it's an asset, not a detriment.
Enough outta me there...I also found Jeff Berlin's comment fascinating and right on. We generally only see the best of artist, but with so little footage of jaco, especially video, everything is considered precious, even off nights and alternate takes, which were unreleased for a reason.
Sorry for the long post - good video!