I'm a Precision guy, but a few years back I became entranced with an American Performer Jazz in Seafoam Green for its looks and playability with its narrower neck. I figured, well, time to diversity my tonal options. So I picked it up and even got an Alperious pickguard, because the aesthetic was too nice for the bland stock pickguard. Anyway, I have been using it primarily for recording as it just seems to sit better in the mix when I record at home and send tracks to the band for mixing. However, I haven't been super-happy with the tone for live playing, which is unfortunate as it's such a nice looking bass, I want to play it live. After contemplating going to split coil Jazz pups, Quarter Pounders and DiMarzio Model J's, I instead decided to install a push/pull pot and rewire to get the parallel/series option. What a great decision that turned out to be! I still have the traditional parallel Jazz sound for when I record, but playing live and switching to series, the tone gets very P-bassy, but still different. Very dark, boomy tone that I love. Now we just need to book a gig so I can show this bad boy off! Anyone had similar experiences (good or bad) with re-wiring they bass (Jazz or otherwise)?