jazz theory book?

May 27, 2000
what do you think the best jazz theory book is .....i want to check on my knowledge of progressions and substitutions.....
cheers markj
Although The Improvisors Bass Method is pretty good, I have to go along with JimK. Mark Levine's The Jazz Theory Book is the best. Chuck Sher's book takes some shortcuts and doesn't quite explain things as well as Levine's book. Since there both from Sher Publishing, Chuck's gonna make his on either. Then again, there is that book by that Ask The Pro guy right here on this site - what's his name?

Actually, my book does allow you to actually play the harmony, hear the voice leading and gain a better understanding.

Jim -

I've taken on the role of Associate Editor of Bass Frontiers Magazine. I was already to sit down this summer and write it, but with that responsibility and the impending birth of our daughter (any day now). I don't know if I can find the time. I'd also like to use real arrangements, so I have started to look at actual publishers (as opposed to doing it myself). I have been posting original arrangements of jazz standards with notation, real audio and performance notes at www.bassically.net

I always appreciate your support.

Good luck and congratulations on the birth of your little one, Mike.
I really like "The Improviser's Bass Method", and have found it more useful than the Rufus Reid book, but I haven't delved into the Reid book enough to really say.
....thanks for your help on this one guys...im off to get mark levines book...then i spose i better get mikes book.....mike were you ever an insurance salesman....any ot those encyclpaedia britannicas left
cheers markj
My favorite jazz instruction book is written by Jerry Coker. I'm not sure what the title is (he's written dozens of books), but it's something like Jerry Coker's guide to Jazz Improvisation. The good thing is, it's not geared toward bass players only, and that helps me to get away from playing the stuff that comes easily on bass. It also has two CDs with lots of examples.