This isn't my quote, but isn't it s great one? I really was taken with it when I read it a little while ago.
Consider the view that people seek teachers that will inspire them. I suggest that you might want to reconsider this view because you aren't going to improve your bass playing by waiting for someone to inspire you to do so. It isn’t the job of a teacher to inspire you. It is the job of a teacher to educate you.
What you do is what matters. Your actions are what counts. Here are three quotes about inspiration that seem to go in the face of how some seek it from their bass teachers.
“You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Jack London
“Don’t wait for inspiration. It comes while one is working.” Henri Matisse
“Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy.” Tchaikovsky
You don’t need inspiration from other people. You don't need mentoring from people. You need teaching from qualified people. People on TB would benefit from thinking about this because it's really a beautiful message.
You have to want to improve. But, more importantly, you have to do something about it. Even if you don't feel inspired, try and do the work. Once you hear how improved your bass playing is in three months, you will be amazed at the inspiration that might well up in your heart. This is where true inspiration comes from, by working for something and getting it!
Your thoughts are always welcome!
Consider the view that people seek teachers that will inspire them. I suggest that you might want to reconsider this view because you aren't going to improve your bass playing by waiting for someone to inspire you to do so. It isn’t the job of a teacher to inspire you. It is the job of a teacher to educate you.
What you do is what matters. Your actions are what counts. Here are three quotes about inspiration that seem to go in the face of how some seek it from their bass teachers.
“You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Jack London
“Don’t wait for inspiration. It comes while one is working.” Henri Matisse
“Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy.” Tchaikovsky
You don’t need inspiration from other people. You don't need mentoring from people. You need teaching from qualified people. People on TB would benefit from thinking about this because it's really a beautiful message.
You have to want to improve. But, more importantly, you have to do something about it. Even if you don't feel inspired, try and do the work. Once you hear how improved your bass playing is in three months, you will be amazed at the inspiration that might well up in your heart. This is where true inspiration comes from, by working for something and getting it!
Your thoughts are always welcome!
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