Double Bass Job Opening — WDR Big Band

John Goldsby

Supporting Member
Mar 4, 2003
Bassist @ WDR Big Band Cologne, Discover Double Bass, Conservatorium Maastricht, NL
It's with a heavy heart that I announce that after 30 years with this incredible ensemble, I'm retiring from the WDR Big Band beginning in January, 2025. I'm not 'retiring' from music and bass playing by any means, but my work with the WDR Big Band will conclude to make way for a new bassist to take over the position.

It's a great job, and it's meant the world to me to be able to work with this world-class big band for the past three decades. I offer my love and respect for all the great musicians, conductors, arrangers, composers, guest soloists, and WDR staff (management and recording crew) who have shared this journey with me. When I first started playing bass in the '70s, my dream job was "studio jazz bassist"—and that's what I've had with the WDR Big Band since 1994.

So, spread the word! Applications are now open, and auditions will start at the beginning of 2025.

WDR Big Band -- Bass Position Application Page (English)
Jazz Bassist (english version)
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Well, the LIKE button seems woefully inadequate, so I'll just say "Good For You", as I look forward to more Trio recordings.
"3 decades at Dream Job" - check.
Nicely done, JG.

Don, have you filled out your application yet? I'm sure JB would give you a good reference.
Don, have you filled out your application yet? I'm sure JB would give you a good reference.
If I were 40 yrs younger, 40x more talented, and not afraid to "fly", I'd be all over this job offer.
Pls. see my "LinkedOut" profile for more details.
Also - JB may not remember me, and I wouldn't blame him.
Thanks for your ongoing support, rick!