Just ran my GK MB200 through my Berg 610NVT..insane!

I cant believe what this little amp can do. I am sure the cabinet has something to do with it.... but man this thing is shaking my house with the volume at about 6. Gotta be the best gig bag backup on the planet.

This is very encouraging to hear.

I've had my MB200 for the last two and an half years strictly as my practice amp with a pair of headphones. But I've recently managed to score a deal on a pair of Peavey HL210s as my "budget rig". (As in very limited budget. ;))

My eventual goal is to upgrade to the MB500 and maybe a pair of Bergantino CN210s, but I will always keep this little guy as a backup.
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I run a GK MB800 into a Berg CN212 for my gig rig and an Aguilar DB751 into a Berg 610 NVT for my BIG RIG.... the GK MB200 was to go with my GK 210cx as a small rig for my Azola EUB but it is such a great amp it now rides along on every gig in my gig bag. Fantastic into my CN212 too.
It is amazing what a little 200 watt amp can do. I have a different small 200 watt head and used it for a while with an inefficient speaker - and liked it a lot, but wouldn't have considered playing out with a full band unless I had to. But then I tried some much higher efficiency speakers and man did it come alive. It is all in the cab! Now I could use my 200 watter in a full band, if I wanted to. I am not surprised by the OP's experience; 200 watts into 2 or more efficient speakers will go a long way.