Keeping the beat whilst playing complex rythms


Feb 18, 2012
so I've been playing in a metal band for a couple of years now, and we tend to play some complex rhythms and breakdowns. Trouble is, the other guys in the band can headbang and keep the beat quite well to most of these rhythms, and I struggle quite badly.

I keep going to headbang when I play notes, rather than with the beat, and this makes me look stupid onstage. It's like my brain cant allow my body to keep two rhythms as the same time. I guess sort of like playing guitar and singing with different rhythms.

Any tips on trying to fix this? Ive tried and tried with a metronome, but haven't had much luck.
i've always thought that it was a built in kinda thing. Either you can walk, chew gum, sew a straight seam and hit a baseball at the same time, or you can't. So don't sweat it. Ain't no thing but a chicken wing if you can play it right.
Carol Kay would ask you to clap the rhythm then when you have that - pick up your instrument.

Yes when playing with others I first listen for the kick drum. If no kick drum that means I'm the beat master. Right or wrong, to set the rhythm, I then listen and sing under my breath with the vocalist. I hate being the beat master and would rather follow the kick drum.
There could be a number of things causing the issue.

- Sometimes the time signature changes and if you don't recognize that/feel it, you will trip up. If you try to play something like its 4/4 and it has quick time changes, you will lose it. Intro to Foo Fighters "Times Like These" and Rush "Limelight" are examples where that can happen.
- sometimes it's note length, trying to do too much will force you off the beat. You may need to simplify the line so that you keep the rhythm and then layer it up. That way you are there at points where you absolutely have to be, and any other notes can be eliminated until you have a strong command of the rhythm and groove. Then you can add in complexities and fills.

Simple before complex. Typically works. It may also help to post up a song and where you have trouble so others can help you diagnose the problem and offer solutions.