LBA Lightning Boy Audio Op-2 (Tube Comp Pedal)


Dirt, Trucks, BBQ, Whiskey
Apr 14, 2012
Down In The Delta
Has been/Never was
Hey TB,

I am very excited to share this new product from the genius that is Lightning Boy Audio. Mike has created a new tube driven compression pedal. I have one on order and will post a review/video demo of it when it arrives, hopefully sometime next week. The design aesthetically is amazing and the tubey tone that is achieve is amazing. This is a great way to liven up your passive DI box like a ToneHammer DI or Sansamp with tube rich harmonic content.

In fact, this is the main purpose of this device in my signal chain. Most gigs I run my Jule Monique, which offers more tube rich tone than anyone would ever need. But there are plenty of times we are playing some Honky Tonk way out in the sticks and Monique stays home out of harms way. For these gigs I use an Aguilar ToneHammer DI. This DI is great, but in comparison to my Monique, it is very sterile and lacking (though what DI isn't lacking compared to Monique, but I digress). The Op-2 is going to "warm" up my Aggie DI and look great while doing it. I also love using a little bit of compression and after owning the coveted Empress and FEA stuff in the past, I am really looking forward to a comp with only a few knobs to reset each time I pull my pedal board out of the case.

Cyrus has his review on his site,, which can be found here:Lightning Boy Op-2

I will update this posting after I receive my Op-2 with video and further review. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I have no doubts that the Op-2 will deliver in a big way!

Bass portion starts at 5:00
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Hey TB,

I am very excited to share this new product from the genius that is Lightning Boy Audio. Mike has created a new tube driven compression pedal. I have one on order and will post a review/video demo of it when it arrives, hopefully sometime next week. The design aesthetically is amazing and the tubey tone that is achieve is amazing. This is a great way to liven up your passive DI box like a ToneHammer DI or Sansamp with tube rich harmonic content.

In fact, this is the main purpose of this device in my signal chain. Most gigs I run my Jule Monique, which offers more tube rich tone than anyone would ever need. But there are plenty of times we are playing some Honky Tonk way out in the sticks and Monique stays home out of harms way. For these gigs I use an Aguilar ToneHammer DI. This DI is great, but in comparison to my Monique, it is very sterile and lacking (though what DI isn't lacking compared to Monique, but I digress). The Op-2 is going to "warm" up my Aggie DI and look great while doing it. I also love using a little bit of compression and after owning the coveted Empress and FEA stuff in the past, I am really looking forward to a comp with only a few knobs to reset each time I pull my pedal board out of the case.

Cyrus has his review on his site,, which can be found here:Lightning Boy Op-2

I will update this posting after I receive my Op-2 with video and further review. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I have no doubts that the Op-2 will deliver in a big way!

Bass portion starts at 5:00

Looking forward to your thoughts on this as I am considering one of these for myself.
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My Lightning Boy Audio Op-2 Comp has found a permanent home in my signal chain. My EBS Multi Comp served me very well, but I am loving the tube warmth and added harmonics of the Op-2 Comp. The compression works well. I've spent a week testing it before and after my various effects and with three basses (active and passive). For now, I have decided I like compression set about 1:00 o'clock, volume about 2:00 o'clock, Turbo on (obviously), and soft knee for finger style and hard knee with a pick. I leave it off when I use the Fairfield Barbershop, but have decided I like after the Bass Big Muff Pi (I turn the compression all the way down). See attached photo for sequence. When using my Ampeg PF-500 and cabinets, I bypass the SCR-DI. The Op-2 Comp sounds great with my amp, and the compression helps me cut through the two VanHalen wannabes in my Classic Rock cover band (they are actually really good...and loud). I only use the SCR-DI for headphone practice and occasional Church services when I go straight to the house.

Cyrus (bongomania) at Ovnilabs (Compressor Reviews) has written a very thorough review of this compressor (and many more). I actually purchased this compressor from him. Additionally, Mike at Lightning Boy Audio is great (Op-2 Comp). He responds quickly to email if you have any questions. I also added tube dampers per Mike's recommendation. These are available from LBA or other tube suppliers.

Hope to hear about more bass players using the LBA Op-2 Comp. It is definitely sweet sounding and straight up cool looking. Rock on.
P.S. Ha! Just saw the coffee stain on my tuner. Too lazy to take another photo.

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