Let’s See Some Amps


Supporting Member
Dec 22, 2021
I recently did a post of what is your favorite go to bass. In making this post. A lot of people showed off their axe and I saw some basses I’ve never seen before that were really good cool.

I’d like to see what bass amps people use and the different speaker combinations. So if you’re up to it show some photos.
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Here's two of my (humble but effective) heads. :)

Line-6 Lowdown HD-(this 400 in my music room, and I have two 750s for gigs)...

and a Peavey MiniMAX 600 which is my backup head, but I may start using it sometimes- it's a really nice amp.

That little box stuck to the side of the wireless receiver is a Broughton "always on" HPF.

The cab below is an older MarkBass CL152 (2x15, Italian black speakers). :)
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