I play in a fiddle band (if I had to choose one category) where we play a lot of fiddle tunes, old bluegrass, old country and have over an album's worth or original songs. We try very hard to play mostly fast upbeat tunes to get people dancing and moving as we play a lot of festivals and private parties. I am curious as to what speed you guys play your tunes at. We play most of our songs above 140 bpm as when we dip below that speed, songs seem slow. we still play peppy songs in the 130-135 range as they need to be a little slower to get the words out. Last night we played a few songs with the bpm meter and clocked in at 150!
So... I am curious, what speed do you play your faster bluegrass/fiddle tunes at?
So... I am curious, what speed do you play your faster bluegrass/fiddle tunes at?