Lifetime BEAD player transitioning to 5 Strings, the G string is my problem


Supporting Member
Nov 26, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
My history, SHORT version.

Started playing bass at 14 years old in the 80's.

Got my first 5 banger when I was about 19, loved the B string but couldn't get used to a 5 banger.

Asked a guitar tech if I could string my 4 banger BEAD, he said it was impossible and it would break my bass neck, so of course on his bad advice I went home and set up my first BEAD bass (back in the 80's BEAD bass's were not really done, at least I had never heard of it ever being done before)

Been doing BEAD on ALL my bass's ever since I was 19 years old and have never owned a EADG bass in all that time.

Present Day: Just got an Ibanez SR305E 4 weeks ago and transitioning from BEAD to the 5 banger.

My issue is getting used to that G string and of course getting used to the tighter string spacing muscle memory thing, mostly with my right hand, I use a pick 95% of the time.

Anyhow, I find it personally entertaining that unlike most changing from a 4 banger to a 5 and their problem is getting used to the B string, my issue is just the opposite in getting used to my G string.

Any other BEAD players switch to a 5 banger and experience the same G string challenge ?

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No, but my story might be somewhat germane...same sort of mental glitch perhaps:

I started on 4-string bass in 1974
Got my first 6-string in 1988. Didn't take very long to get used to the low B or high C strings.
Got my first BEADG 5-string in 1996. Having already been used to the low B string from the previous eight years of playing 6-string, didn't have any problem at all with the low B string.
Got my first EADGC 5-string in 2015. I'll be damned, but for some reason I just can not get my head wrapped around that high C string ...even though I've been playing a 6-string bass with a high C for the past 29 years!!!

Go figger.
No, but my story might be somewhat germane...same sort of mental glitch perhaps:

I started on 4-string bass in 1974
Got my first 6-string in 1988. Didn't take very long to get used to the low B or high C strings.
Got my first BEADG 5-string in 1996. Having already been used to the low B string from the previous eight years of playing 6-string, didn't have any problem at all with the low B string.
Got my first EADGC 5-string in 2015. I'll be damned, but for some reason I just can not get my head wrapped around that high C string ...even though I've been playing a 6-string bass with a high C for the past 29 years!!!

Go figger.

Huh, that is odd,,, I would think in your case the only thing you would have to adapt to would be the string spacing between a 5 and 6 bass.

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You need a 19mm spaced 5 my friend. Welcome to the big neck club.

I can go from 4 to 19mm 5 without blinking. But a narrower 5 drives me nuts. I have to actually look at my hands to play the dang things.
My history, SHORT version.

Started playing bass at 14 years old in the 80's.

Got my first 5 banger when I was about 19, loved the B string but couldn't get used to a 5 banger.

Asked a guitar tech if I could string my 4 banger BEAD, he said it was impossible and it would break my bass neck, so of course on his bad advice I went home and set up my first BEAD bass (back in the 80's BEAD bass's were not really done, at least I had never heard of it ever being done before)

Been doing BEAD on ALL my bass's ever since I was 19 years old and have never owned a EADG bass in all that time.

Present Day: Just got an Ibanez SR305E 4 weeks ago and transitioning from BEAD to the 5 banger.

My issue is getting used to that G string and of course getting used to the tighter string spacing muscle memory thing, mostly with my right hand, I use a pick 95% of the time.

Anyhow, I find it personally entertaining that unlike most changing from a 4 banger to a 5 and their problem is getting used to the B string, my issue is just the opposite in getting used to my G string.

Any other BEAD players switch to a 5 banger and experience the same G string challenge ?


Just play it. You will get used to that G in about a week or so...
As for the string spacing....

You need a 19mm spaced 5 my friend. Welcome to the big neck club.
I can go from 4 to 19mm 5 without blinking. But a narrower 5 drives me nuts. I have to actually look at my hands to play the dang things.

Consider a Sire or a Lakland Skyline.. or an MTD Kingston 5....
No, but my story might be somewhat germane...same sort of mental glitch perhaps:

I started on 4-string bass in 1974
Got my first 6-string in 1988. Didn't take very long to get used to the low B or high C strings.
Got my first BEADG 5-string in 1996. Having already been used to the low B string from the previous eight years of playing 6-string, didn't have any problem at all with the low B string.
Got my first EADGC 5-string in 2015. I'll be damned, but for some reason I just can not get my head wrapped around that high C string ...even though I've been playing a 6-string bass with a high C for the past 29 years!!!

Go figger.
I'm convinced after reading threads like these, and from personal experience, that we unconsciously landmark using the lowest string on our instrument.

A player moving from an EADG 4 to a BEADG 5 has trouble because his landmark changed.

With you, your landmark moved from a BEADG 5, to an EADGC 5. That landmark change f'd you up.

You'll get used to it with enough time.
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I'm convinced after reading threads like these, and from personal experience, that we unconsciously landmark using the lowest string on our instrument.

A player moving from an EADG 4 to a BEADG 5 has trouble because his landmark changed.

With you, your landmark moved from a BEADG 5, to an EADGC 5. That landmark change f'd you up.

You'll get used to it with enough time.

I thought he was moving from a BEAD 4 to a BEADG 5....