Is there a tool in Talkbass to generate a list of usernames of members who've posted in a thread?
Sorry, no idea about that. I can't think of a reason why I'd ever want to. (Just out of curiosity I have to ask: Why do you want to?)Is there any way to export the list that that generates? I didn't see any way to capture it.
Sorry, no idea about that. I can't think of a reason why I'd ever want to. (Just out of curiosity I have to ask: Why do you want to?
Oh, I see. But I think you might have me confused with another Lobster, as I'm a long way from eastern Tennessee and never received an @ callout in that thread.Lobster, I did the @ callout to you in the East Tennessee Talkbass thread to share the post. The idea in that post is to do a list of people who've posted in that thread and first, post it, like a numbered club thread although ETTB is not that, and second, just to check on people who've posted who are no longer active on Talkbass. We are working on a get-together this fall and need to see who all is still active that we can invite.