Double Bass Looking for a budget Dragonetti style bow

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They come up for sale now and then, in the usual places. Talkbass classifieds, Facebook, EBay, Reverb, Craigslist etc.

There are also Asian bow makers who can make a custom bass bow to your specifications.

Severiano Paoli is an enthusiastic vintage style bass bow seller who may be able to guide you. He deals in quality bows, and worth a try.
Severiano is located in Europe but easy to connect with.
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Like Casey said, they pop up every now and then. If you regularly check classifieds and eBay I'm sure you'll be able to find one, but it could be a while. The only alternative is probably to have someone make a bow for you, which probably makes it no longer a budget option.
The problem is that the “budget” I’m seeking is too low for Dragonetti bows, anything that doesn’t go for higher than $450. I’ve always wondered why they don’t make them with lower quality materials or is there something I’m missing out on?
As far as I know, outside of people playing in orchestras with period instruments, baroque groups, or bow collectors/enthusiasts, there's not really a demand for them, and the people who want them probably need a higher quality bow (orchestras) or have the money (collectors). I know if I was in a baroque group I'd want a pretty nice period bow.