First post so let me know if you need more information
I play in a college band and we are starting to get more gigs. We started off with crowds of 100 or less to 500-1000+. My Ampeg BA115 150 Watt amp is not cutting it anymore. I am getting a lot of poorly distorted sound and I do not have a sub to put more of the weight on our PA system. I play a fender starcaster bass and I love the sound of it. The qualities I am looking for is to keep it under $1000 total and to have a good looking one (I know this shouldn't matter but hey I like designs with good taste). I would also like to have a stack since I have back problems and would like to carry them separately. I am not sure how many watts I should be looking for in a tube amp, or if I should just get another solid state amp. Given my pickiness and generally low budget, does anyone have suggestions of what works for them? I am also totally cool with buying used. Thank yall for the input
I play in a college band and we are starting to get more gigs. We started off with crowds of 100 or less to 500-1000+. My Ampeg BA115 150 Watt amp is not cutting it anymore. I am getting a lot of poorly distorted sound and I do not have a sub to put more of the weight on our PA system. I play a fender starcaster bass and I love the sound of it. The qualities I am looking for is to keep it under $1000 total and to have a good looking one (I know this shouldn't matter but hey I like designs with good taste). I would also like to have a stack since I have back problems and would like to carry them separately. I am not sure how many watts I should be looking for in a tube amp, or if I should just get another solid state amp. Given my pickiness and generally low budget, does anyone have suggestions of what works for them? I am also totally cool with buying used. Thank yall for the input