Looking for a new amp - medium sized gigs

First post so let me know if you need more information

I play in a college band and we are starting to get more gigs. We started off with crowds of 100 or less to 500-1000+. My Ampeg BA115 150 Watt amp is not cutting it anymore. I am getting a lot of poorly distorted sound and I do not have a sub to put more of the weight on our PA system. I play a fender starcaster bass and I love the sound of it. The qualities I am looking for is to keep it under $1000 total and to have a good looking one (I know this shouldn't matter but hey I like designs with good taste). I would also like to have a stack since I have back problems and would like to carry them separately. I am not sure how many watts I should be looking for in a tube amp, or if I should just get another solid state amp. Given my pickiness and generally low budget, does anyone have suggestions of what works for them? I am also totally cool with buying used. Thank yall for the input
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First post so let me know if you need more information

I play in a college band and we are starting to get more gigs. We started off with crowds of 100 or less to 500-1000+. My Ampeg BA115 150 Watt amp is not cutting it anymore. I am getting a lot of poorly distorted sound and I do not have a sub to put more of the weight on our PA system. I play a fender starcaster bass and I love the sound of it. The qualities I am looking for is to keep it under $1000 total and to have a good looking one (I know this shouldn't matter but hey I like designs with good taste). I would also like to have a stack since I have back problems and would like to carry them separately. I am not sure how many watts I should be looking for in a tube amp, or if I should just get another solid state amp. Given my pickiness and generally low budget, does anyone have suggestions of what works for them? I am also totally cool with buying used. Thank yall for the input
If you have back problems, forget a tube amp. Look to 500 class D watts and 2x12s or 4x10s. Consider the Fender rumble 500 combo and 2x10 ext cabinet.
I'm thinking the band as a whole should be thinking about building up the PA system rather than just making the stage volume louder. The whole band would benefit from the investment.

I completely agree. I am the only person who is not in the mixer, except drums. I am also saving up for a subwoofer to benefit both drums and bass. The aside from that, I can barely hear myself in the mix or practice without getting distortion from that boomy 15 inch speaker. It is fine when we play grittier music, but we mainly do country and jazz requiring a smoother tone. The Ampeg used to be great, but I am just frequently less satisfied than before everytime I play a larger gig. I have to play so quiet to limit that hum and just need more headspace. But do you have recommendations for affordable subs to do the trick? We have a 1200 watt powered mixer that suits us fine for now.
You have too little rig for the gigs you're playing. Before making an investment I would figure out with your bandmates how much stage volume you all need, how big a FOH system you need for audience coverage, and then what makes the most sense with dollars you have (individually and/or collectively) to spend.

If you need to provide FOH and stage monitor coverage for 1000+ sized audiences/venues with just your bass rig and no FOH support that is one thing. If you need to provide solid stage sound from your bass rig with the FOH system covering audience requirements that's another answer altogether.
I agree 100% with DRpepper and going to walk back my original post some on fully buying and owning a PA.

If you doing 500 plus audience size shows you need a real PA or hire one in for the shows and a qualified person to run it.
Either build the PA rental into your price or have the venue/promoter supply it.
Owning a legit PA along the lines of what you need is not cheap and will take some up keep along the way and it's lot more than just speakers, microphones and a mixer.

Sorry your 1200 watt powered mixer is not going to cut it for those size of show, set it up in the practice space and use it for vocals,
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First post so let me know if you need more information

I play in a college band and we are starting to get more gigs. We started off with crowds of 100 or less to 500-1000+. My Ampeg BA115 150 Watt amp is not cutting it anymore. I am getting a lot of poorly distorted sound and I do not have a sub to put more of the weight on our PA system. I play a fender starcaster bass and I love the sound of it. The qualities I am looking for is to keep it under $1000 total and to have a good looking one (I know this shouldn't matter but hey I like designs with good taste). I would also like to have a stack since I have back problems and would like to carry them separately. I am not sure how many watts I should be looking for in a tube amp, or if I should just get another solid state amp. Given my pickiness and generally low budget, does anyone have suggestions of what works for them? I am also totally cool with buying used. Thank yall for the input

It looks like with your budget to get what your are looking for, I recommend looking at used gear. Without FOH support, the consensus is about 400-500 watts at 4ohm, and a cab (s) that can handle it.

Cab wise, depending on the amount of dBs you need, is something you will need to assess. I would start your search with an 8ohm 210 cab with a wattage range of 400-500 RMS.

I have an Eden D-210-XST @ 400 watts will crank out 129 dBs (thanks again for the numbers Wasenex). I play in an 11 piece horn vocal bands and this rig is plenty loud.

Since Eden is out of business, you might be able to land one pretty cheap. For this, I would look at postings in the classifieds on TB (you may want to post a wanted to buy post) or Guitar Center used gear.

Hope this helps
This is a really stupid question but how many amps would be able to do two 2x10s?
Not sure I understand your question but two quality 2x10" cabs can typically handle up to 800 watts RMS. You need to check mfg specs and match well. But even this may not be enough speaker if you're playing outdoor concerts to 1000+ people without FOH support.
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College student on a budget.

Peavey Mark IV head $100-$250
Peavey TVX 4x10 or (better yet) TVX 4x12 Cab $150-$200


Peavey Combo 300 $200
Peavey 1x15BW cab $100-$200

Loud enough to cover what he is gonna be playing, cheap enough to buy plenty of beer.

Sell the Ampeg to recoup some of the cost of the Peavey.

I completely agree. I am the only person who is not in the mixer, except drums. I am also saving up for a subwoofer to benefit both drums and bass. The aside from that, I can barely hear myself in the mix or practice without getting distortion from that boomy 15 inch speaker. It is fine when we play grittier music, but we mainly do country and jazz requiring a smoother tone. The Ampeg used to be great, but I am just frequently less satisfied than before everytime I play a larger gig. I have to play so quiet to limit that hum and just need more headspace. But do you have recommendations for affordable subs to do the trick? We have a 1200 watt powered mixer that suits us fine for now.
15” speakers are not necessarily boomy. My Bag ends are tight and midrangey.

I prefer two single 12” or 15” cabs for load in. A mini stack like that can really rock a stage.

Don’t get a subwoofer for the PA. Leave that for the big venue PA’s with a sound guy/gal. Find two single 12” cabs and whatever head. Done.
I agree
Rumble 800 combo with the 2x10 rumble extension cabinet
I'm just trying to keep him close to his budget, otherwise I agree the 800 watt unit would give more.
College student on a budget.

Peavey Mark IV head $100-$250
Peavey TVX 4x10 or (better yet) TVX 4x12 Cab $150-$200


Peavey Combo 300 $200
Peavey 1x15BW cab $100-$200

Loud enough to cover what he is gonna be playing, cheap enough to buy plenty of beer.

Sell the Ampeg to recoup some of the cost of the Peavey.

Well, if he didn't have a bad back, but that Peavey gear is heavy!!