Looking for a place to source this pickguard

I wonder if it's a soldermask color for printed circuit boards, or a fiberglass color.
Blank PCB makes a good pickguard in that the shielding is built in.

Anyways, one option would be a clear guard and paint the back whatever custom color you want (which protects the paint from being scratched, .vs. painting the front.) Won't look exactly the same as that, as there will be "depth" to it from the clear guard, but you can make the color exactly the same, or exactly what you want.
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Reactions: Beej
Look into kydex which is available in a multitude of green colors. Just be aware that it is a thermoformable (heat formable) material and a pick guard made of same should not be left unattended in hot vehicles or storage locations... DAMHIK.

Best regards,
Look into kydex which is available in a multitude of green colors. Just be aware that it is a thermoformable (heat formable) material and a pick guard made of same should not be left unattended in hot vehicles or storage locations... DAMHIK.

Best regards,
Is working with a kydex sheet similar to how you'd typically work with an acrylic sheet?
If you search for 3mm plastic sheet (or ABS, or acrylic), you should find many manufacturers and available in a rainbow of colours and opacities. I would look for a dark green semi-transparent as that's what the one on the reverend appears to be. It could have a solid-coloured paint on the backside to make it opaque on the back but still partially transparent for that look. :thumbsup:

Check out Harvester guitars for a range of plastic sheeting used as pickguards.