Looking for a replacement potentiometer for this ehx pedal


Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2007
Orange County, CA
I’m trying to fix my friends ehx deluxe memory man. The delay pot does not work right. If you pull the shaft while adjusting it will adjust the delay, but once you let it go it reverts back to a specific setting.

I messaged ehx and they want me to send it in. I know it’s just a broken pot and replacing it will be fine. I’ve already replaced two broken pots on this (shaft completely fell out when pulling off the knobs) and the fix was easy. Oddly, ehx sent me those pots free, no problem.

Any idea where I can get a replacement for this pot? I want to get the same maker to preserve this “vintage” pedal.

Thanks to anyone who can help.


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The way you describe the issue just sounds like the pot assembly might have been pulled apart slightly. You can see that at least one of the 4 tabs holding it together isn’t fully seated in that first picture. I’d open it up and visually inspect the resistance element and very thing else to make sure it is properly aligned and that the wipers have enough spring tension where they contact the resistance track then close it tightly back together again- if it works when pulled on I suspect everything inside is fine and just not sitting tightly together due to the casing tabs being loose- I’ve done this by accident on guitars before when removing knobs from the shaft of pots and it doesn’t usually permanently damage the pot and is easy to fix
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