Looking for ZOOM B3 patch for acoustic bass sound

Apr 25, 2016
Hey there,

I just found this forum on my searches for a ZOOM B3 patch that simulates an acoustic bass sound.
I am playing a Warwick corvette 5 string. And for one song I want to play with a nearly acoustic sound.

Is there anyone who has created some like that?

Thanks a lot
Hi OzzyGreg,

yes, in the evening I had a look. But I didn't reach to the end (more than 70 pages).

I will continue tonight.

It seems that you also don't have an idea for my wish?

I tried to create a patch for acoustic bass sound for my Warwick Corvette 5-String. However actually I only can check it with my headphone. My amp is not here at the moment.

These are the settings:

Section 1: Graphic EQ -> 50Hz: 12, 120 Hz: 12, 400Hz: -5, 500Hz: -12; 800Hz: -12, 4.5kHz: 5, 10kHz: 12, Level: 100

Section 2: Arena Reverb -> Decay: 9; Tone: 7, Mix: 25, PreD: 38, Level: 100

Section 3: G-Krueger -> Bass: 3, Mid: 7, Trebl: 2, Mid_F: 350Hz, Gain: 25, Level: 150, Color: off,
CAB: 8x10 AG, Mix 50

I didn't try many different devices in the sections.
As I said on headphone this sound seems ok. Maybe I am surprised when I hear it via amp (Warwick BC150).

Any other ideas?
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Hi again,

now I got a patch from another forum which sounds really great and comes close to an acoustic bass sound. I think it sounds much better acoustic than the one from my last post.

Here the settings:

Section 1: DEFRET : Sense: 23 - Color: 1 - Level: 140 - Tone: 10
Section 2: BASSPRE : Bass: 3 - Treble: 3 - Level: 80 - Mid: 4 - Frequency: 250Hz
Section 3: VIBRATO : Depth: 47 - Rate: 5 - Balance: 35 - Tone: 0 - Level: 130

If you want you can take it to the Google Drive Library.
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