Maybe I’m not the best judge of my pedal.
Put it this way: I love a compressor that can squash the hell out of my signal so I can add other gain boosts on a flatter wave.
So, I guess I’m looking for something that has a large ratio / threshold option to essentially compress the bass signal so much it’s almost non-distinguishable from the original sound.
Am I looking for a compressor pedal here or perhaps another effect altogether?
Maybe 2 compressors in a chain?
That's super helpful!
Sounds like you're definitely after a compressor, just using it as a more pronounced than as the always-on control(and/or)tone enhancement that many use them for.
I've always loved the Boss CS-2 for that really heavily compressed sound. My go-to for copping similar sounds to those found on the early Daft Punk and Justice records.
Darkglass Hyper Luminal is great for this too - FET mode with buttons all in for the Ratio and you'r off. The bonus here is that you can then blend this with your original sound to balance the dynamics just right. The editing software also allows you to add a sidechain HPF so that the compressors sensitivity to low end information can be controlled (let it "breathe" a bit more if you want).
I use an Effectrode PC-2A most of the time these days (on the occasions I use a compressor pedal), which is usually on subtle control and "tonal magic" (adds some love tube goodies, depth, and dimensionality) duties, but it also brings a wide grin when the Peak Reduction is set higher to really smash the signal too.
The Empress compressors are all very good options too - lots of control on these like the MarkBass Compressore. The newer MK2 Bass version also allows you to choose whether you want the compression to be "transparent" or to add some tone & colour to the equation, making it incredibly versatile.
The new Empress Bass Compressor, or Darkglass Hyper Luminal would be my first recommendations as they offer some much versatility and variety, as well as lots of control which I feel would satisfy your thirst for experimentation as stated in your OP.
@scubaduba can likely lend his wisdom and knowledge here to help focus the search as well, as well as illuminating anything I have likely overlooked.