Okay, I'm going to describe this the best I can. I have a Markbass LMT800. When the head is plugged into my cab I get occasional shots of static/white noise. It comes and goes and it does it without my bass being plugged in. I've used 2 different cabs, same issue. I also have a Markbass TTE500 that is doing the same thing. I've run them at different outlets with a furman power conditioner, same issue. This does not happen when I run my cabs thru my Carvin BX1500. I also get the noise running my MB's using the DI into my studio monitors. Again,no issue using my Carvin direct. Sometimes the noise is like a bit of white noise for about 3 seconds, other times there are single quick pops. Any ideas? I don't believe its dirty power because of the Furman,that should clean it up. I also don't believe its a house power issue because my Carvin runs without issue. Does MB have picky power supply issue? Both units doing it seems very odd?? Help,please!