Hi! I'm hoping someone here can help me with an issue I'm having with plucking:
When playing fingerstyle, my middle finger tends to drive the string (particularly the A string into the upper frets making a clicking sound, which I hear over the note I am actually trying to play. It is very annoying, and I cant seem to correct it. I started playing one finger style with the index so I don't hear that noise. I want to be able to play 2 fingerstyle and play higher tempo songs when needed. I have been playing for a little over a year now. I play a 4 string bass currently, and I have tried raising/lowering the action, adjusting the truss rod, etc, but nothing seems to work.
When playing fingerstyle, my middle finger tends to drive the string (particularly the A string into the upper frets making a clicking sound, which I hear over the note I am actually trying to play. It is very annoying, and I cant seem to correct it. I started playing one finger style with the index so I don't hear that noise. I want to be able to play 2 fingerstyle and play higher tempo songs when needed. I have been playing for a little over a year now. I play a 4 string bass currently, and I have tried raising/lowering the action, adjusting the truss rod, etc, but nothing seems to work.