Mighty mite mm114 question

Jan 18, 2011
Hi guys I'm thinking about buying this preamp but I was wondering if it has to be used with active pickups?

I have a newer Warwick rockbass streamer with passive mech pickups. The electronics were terrible but I had them replaced with a John east/ ACG filter style preamp. I love it but unfortunately it drains batteries like crazy (*due to a jack wiring issue not the preamp) so I might get it tuned into a pedal. I'm in an Alice in chains tribute band so wanted to try the mighty mite mm114 clone of the haz labs like Mike star had in his spector.

Thanks in advance

*Alan of ACG contacted me to to suggest what the problem might be. Turns out it is likely a bad wiring of the jack and not inherent to the preamp. Great customer service highly recommend his business
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