I've been trying to teach myself some key modulation.
So far I've found going into a closer key works e.g. from F to Eb.
A stumbling block is I might play in Fmajor then go to a common chord in Ebmajor say Bb, but where do I go from there?
I am sort of so used to staying in just one key that changing into another sounds 'off' to my ears and I automatically want to return to the original key..
Also I read of changing into a relative minor so again in Fmajor I would go into Fminor, but there are a lot of Fminors .
it could be the 6th chord of Ab, or the 3rd of Db etc, the websites I've been reading don't make this point very clear.?
So far I've found going into a closer key works e.g. from F to Eb.
A stumbling block is I might play in Fmajor then go to a common chord in Ebmajor say Bb, but where do I go from there?
I am sort of so used to staying in just one key that changing into another sounds 'off' to my ears and I automatically want to return to the original key..
Also I read of changing into a relative minor so again in Fmajor I would go into Fminor, but there are a lot of Fminors .
it could be the 6th chord of Ab, or the 3rd of Db etc, the websites I've been reading don't make this point very clear.?
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