Most underrated bass(es)? (Inspired by SteffanB’s post)

The blue one on the bottom. 2000 Godin SD with active EMG’s. I’ve owned this bass for 20 years and played a ton of gigs with it. I’ve only set it up once and have never had to mess with it since. Action is fast and low. Neck is Jazz width but chunky like a P. The EMG’s still sound fat and punchy. High mass bridge that is intonated perfectly.
They’re pretty rare these days. But you can still find them every once in awhile for well below what they should be worth.
The blue one on the bottom. 2000 Godin SD with active EMG’s. I’ve owned this bass for 20 years and played a ton of gigs with it. I’ve only set it up once and have never had to mess with it since. Action is fast and low. Neck is Jazz width but chunky like a P. The EMG’s still sound fat and punchy. High mass bridge that is intonated perfectly.
They’re pretty rare these days. But you can still find them every once in awhile for well below what they should be worth.
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I’ve really enjoyed the Godins I’ve played... will need to keep an eye out.
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No pics, but the Sandberg Electra series. They're kind of hard to come across in the US, and I haven't played any of the "new" (post-2014) models, but they are so, so good. Compared to my MIM Jazz that I played through most of high school, this thing.. woof. I'm holding onto my VS4 for life. Best P I'll ever play.
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Rick B

Based on my most recent acquisition I’m going with Carvin . I was blown away by the boutique quality .

Best deals on the used market.
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Absolutely agree with these two. I bought a Carvin B40 on secondary market for $550.00 with original hard shell case. Great fit and finish and the hardware is upper level. If you want to have a custom bass made the price of a Keisel is pretty reasonable. If you can find what you want used the prices are very low.
SteffanB’s post about most underrated bassists made me wonder... what’re the most underrated basses?

I’ll start off with my vote: the Fender MIM Jazz Bass... younger folks, raise your hand if this was your first workhorse

2001 MIM J. I don’t use it much anymore, but it was my workhorse when I played in a blues band for eight years back in the early 2000s.

Wait, I’m putting my hand down cuz I’m not young.