Music theory inspired by Billy Sheehan


Jan 18, 2018
A few tricks for zooming around the fingerboard inspired by Billy.

Lets say you wanted to zip up the neck fast on E7. Play the E, F# and G# on the low E then slide into the A major scale.and run it up the neck.

How about running Em7 fast up the neck. (Assume E dorian). Play E F# G then run the A7 scale.

How about G Phrygian? Use C aeolian.

Whats the trick?

Think of modes in order by flatting:
4 lydian
1 ionion
5 myxolydian
2 dorian
6 aeolian
3 phrygian
7 locrian

This pattern is equivalent to the cycle of 4ths. So a note a 4th away is one mode higher on the cycle..

E major = A lydian
E7 = A major
E dorian = A7
E aeolian = A dorian,
E phrygian = A aeolian

So if you want to play F# dorian, use the B7 scale. Etc.

I use this a lot moving up and down the neck.
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Going by 4ths can be extended.

Em7 =A7 =Dmaj7=G lydian. Run this as an Em7 scale in open positionup to the open D, then move up to the 9 position and play a D maj scale continuing with the E at the 12 fret.

Gm7=C7=Fmaj7=Bb lydian (run this at the 1st,5th and 7th frets).
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I didn't mean to belittle the idea-
music theory is basically various ways to look at the same 7 out of 12 notes
more ways to see it = more information.
and as Anthony Wellington says "Knowing something is better than NOT knowing something."

You could also adapt the idea to any mode, just find the right jumping off point
To zip up the neck really fast on an E7
play E F# G# on the E string, Open A, Then jump to B Mixolydian on the A string
play E F# G# on the E string, Open A, B, on the a string , Then jump to C Aeolian

But I have found the fastest way to plot my course across the neck within a given harmony is arpeggios
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So the "trick" is thinking of the same set of notes as multiple scales instead of just one?
I suppose it's a potentiallly useful shortcut to recalling fingerings if you haven't practiced your scales thoroughly across the neck.

I practice a lot of scales but I would have trouble running some up the neck like Ebm7, F#m7 or Bbm7, so I use this trick a lot.

For example, F#m7 (dorian)= B7=E=A#4 (Lydian)

And you can arpeggiate that if you don't want to play the scale.