Musicman Caprice vs. 2016 Fender PJ Magnificent 7

Does anyone have an opinion about these two? How do they fare against each other, specifically? I'm looking for a 4 string passive P/J. For myself, this would end up being my only bass so it's versatility is desired. Thanks.
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The Caprice is my choice. But its not really a P/J. Its a P/H which means the tone is warmer, thicker, and has more punch . I get more tones that with a P/J. The bridge pickup stand up very well on its own. I was all set to but a P/j until I discovered the Caprice and bought one last week.
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The Caprice is my choice. But its not really a P/J. Its a P/H which means the tone is warmer, thicker, and has more punch . I get more tones that with a P/J. The bridge pickup stand up very well on its own. I was all set to but a P/j until I discovered the Caprice and bought one last week.
So did you try the Fender limited edition P/J?
The Caprice is my choice. But its not really a P/J. Its a P/H which means the tone is warmer, thicker, and has more punch . I get more tones that with a P/J. The bridge pickup stand up very well on its own. I was all set to but a P/j until I discovered the Caprice and bought one last week.
I'm thinking about selling off my current brood getting the Caprice...
I had the M7 for about 6 months. I had bad GAS for it, HAD to have it. But it only briefly ever took top spot. The quality was just a touch off-body was great but neck and action were never spot on despite a lot of tweaking and string changes. To my ears and hands, my Aerodyne both played and sounded better. Eventually traded off the M7 (towards an Old Smoothie, so not a direct replacement). The quality on that MusicMan is totally top notch, I can say that for sure.
P/H. = Precision / Humbucker

The Caprice does not a have a single coil j pickup in the bridge. It has a humbucker shaped like a j pickup.

The pole pieces are a lot larger in both pickups as well.

The Caprice is lighter and the build quality is on par with boutique level .

It doesn't sound or feel like a Fender. It has its own thing going on. Very different.

I'm not bashing Fender. I like Fenders . I'm just saying that The Caprice is very different . It's not a P/J. Go play one and you'll understand .

If you want Fender feel and tone, get a Fender or an inspired by Fender bass. But The Music Man Caprice brings something different and unique to the table .
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P/H. = Precision / Humbucker

The Caprice does not a have a single coil j pickup in the bridge. It has a humbucker shaped like a j pickup.

The pole pieces are a lot larger in both pickups as well.

The Caprice is lighter and the build quality is on par with boutique level .

It doesn't sound or feel like a Fender. It has its own thing going on. Very different.

I'm not bashing Fender. I like Fenders . I'm just saying that The Caprice is very different . It's not a P/J. Go play one and you'll understand .

If you want Fender feel and tone, get a Fender or an inspired by Fender bass. But The Music Man Caprice brings something different and unique to the table .
I did feel the same way when I happened to play one at the local Guitar Center. It had that Musicman Humbucket quality to it packaged in that P/J setup. Now I have to think about selling stuff to get this bad boy.
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I'm not saying that at all . The Humbucking bridge pickup in the Caprice sounds nothing like a J pickup. The larger pole pieces and voicing is totally different .
Again , you have to hear it for yourself to understand . You definitely can't go off what that pickup looks like.

Yes, the Caprice does its things

I have an Am Std Jag Bass P/J and a Sandberg VM4 P/H and the Caprice is something in between, I love the 3 of them and they would sound good in any condition, the Sandberg is more define and round, the Jag is raw & agressive, the Caprice defined but with a real vintage touch.

Also the Caprice has this thing of sounding "normal" alone in bedroom situation but pinpoint in the mix (the P magic :) )
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Yes, the Caprice does its things

I have an Am Std Jag Bass P/J and a Sandberg VM4 P/H and the Caprice is something in between, I love the 3 of them and they would sound good in any condition, the Sandberg is more define and round, the Jag is raw & agressive, the Caprice defined but with a real vintage touch.

Also the Caprice has this thing of sounding "normal" alone in bedroom situation but pinpoint in the mix (the P magic :) )

Ah , the mighty Sanberg VM. Those are very nice!!
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