Looking for a pedal with these features…
Must include
- High Quality DI (Radial quality or better)
- Headphone Out
- Small-ish Footprint
Must NOT include
- Large footprint
- Always on EQ
- Complex EQ
- Always on tube gain
- Darkglass Element (unreliable)
- Origin Effects Pedal Amps (more features than I need)
Optional Features
- Cab sim (with ability to bypass)
- A foot switch
- Under $350 if possible… but willing to budge if it’s the perfect thing.
Does this exist??
It will go at the end of this signal chain…
Must include
- High Quality DI (Radial quality or better)
- Headphone Out
- Small-ish Footprint
Must NOT include
- Large footprint
- Always on EQ
- Complex EQ
- Always on tube gain
- Darkglass Element (unreliable)
- Origin Effects Pedal Amps (more features than I need)
Optional Features
- Cab sim (with ability to bypass)
- A foot switch
- Under $350 if possible… but willing to budge if it’s the perfect thing.
Does this exist??
It will go at the end of this signal chain…