My patch cable trick

Jun 14, 2012
Berkeley, Ca.
I finally mounted my effects on a pedal board today and thought I would share with a patch cable trick I've been using since even before I mounted them on the board.

Since I have 2 pedals that have jacks on the top (Boss RC20, tc Flashback X4) with 2 that have them on the side before and between them (Corona Chorus, and HOF 2 so the pedal order is Corona>X4>HOF2>RC20). In this situation the option usually are either twist the patch cable which if you aren't mounting them makes them move around too much and if you are mounting them puts stress on the patch cable or place them in a really weird position that is hard to get at.

My solution is this. Get a solderless patch cable kit. In my opinion the Planet Waves one is the easiest to use. When you make your patch cable instead of facing the 2 right angles away from each other the way that they are on an off the shelf patch cable make the 22 right angles go in the same direction. This makes the angles that they plug in to more direct and doesn't twist the cable and lines up your pedals so they are easier to turn on and off.

Rev J
Yes it could but:


Rev J
Yes it could but:

View attachment 2807685

Rev J

I love that lady hahahahaha

Thing is, I have all sloderless patches with the exception of a few EBS flats. I still have a lot of cabling going on on my board haha. I change my board around too much to cut every single patch to length. I know some guys that do and boy do they have some neat looking boards. I get jealous sometimes. But then when they want to swap something out or they GAS for something new, they either have to redo some patches or they just don't get anything new period because it's too much of a hassle to put on their board. I respect that. But I can't do that. I swap pedals out and revamp way too much to have to worry about doing all that.
I've done this on a few patch cables for pedals that don't really get swapped in or out much on my board. FWIW I am a huge nerd and I use soldered cables. Mogami 2319 wire and pancake plugs. I'm not super worried about twisting a soldered patch cable 180 degrees around if it's not a super duper short cable. My solder joints are good and the wire can handle that amount of twist.