Nov 11, 2016
So, I recorded my next single earlier this month. When the vocalist do his part, my Producer said that I need a hollow body bass to maximize my music (we play alternative rock). The only HB bass that available at my country right now is Epiphone Viola, Epiphone Woody Allen, Epiphone Jack Casady, Ibanez Artcore, and Fender Coronado, and Hofner Ignition. But all of them is pre ordered, so I can't try them. Hofner Ignition definitely out cause I already tried them and don't like the feel. Oh, he said it doesn't matter full HB or semi HB. So, I let TB do their magic this time. For your consideration, I really love the neck on my Sire V7. Thank you!
I own a Casady and a G&L SB2. With flats on each, they are very different beasts. The producer may just be getting caught up in the image, but there are real differences between the two, and I’d imagine in a studio environment, that’d be emphasized. But I’d also say it’s a 3-5% difference in a mixed track with proper compression and EQ.

All that said, for my old Americana project, it was 100% the Casady in the studio.
I’ve had all of the ones you list in the past. The only one I still have is the Fender Coronado. I also have Gretsch, but that wasn’t listed.

So, it would be a Coronado for me.

Okay OP, to actually answer your question:

I also have a Fender Coronado, but they don't get much love on this site.
It always has been, and will probably always be my favorite bass.

A lot of that is because it's the one I've own the longest.
Like you, I want another hollow body but not sure what else I want,
that I'm willing to pay top dollar for.

I'd like a Guild Starfire, but not bad enough to pay the price.

I have tried many times to record my hollow body bass so I could make a comparison against my solid body bass and show everyone how completely different they sound. So far I have never been able to record anything on the hollowbody that sounded enough different from my solid body to be worth the effort. I still have the hollowbody and it feels very different to play so I think I'm sounding completely different but it just doesn't come out on recordings in any distinctive way different from what I can sound like on any other bass -- I adjust my touch to get whatever sound the song calls for.