My Sansamp GED 2112 Video Essay and Review

Thanks for posting this. Very tempted to get one of these. I'm new to going beyond a simple mono/combo amp set-up so seeing it in that compact 2 channel set-up is helpful too.
Got an RBI > dbx 166xL > QSC 2402 > any cabinets you want to connect
setup now that is mainly used if BOSE craters or we have a big stage FOH gig with no backline. The RBI rack is used "clean on the edge of dirt" with a Line 6 Helix in front of it.

Looking at this for another small rack since I have another QSC2402 and multiband compressor here(stereo so it can run the 2 channels BUT work the levels together for speaker protection) AND this new SansAmp is REALLY nice from all I've heard and seen.
I just ordered an MXR M80 to add to the mix... thank you very much ;)

Very Nice! I actually jump between using the EHX Bass Soul Food and MXR M80 before my GED depending on my mood. The soul food is more subtle. But I love the M80's "color" button, and if you boost the mids and turn on the distortion circuit it can get quite nasty.... in a great way! Good choice.
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Another question if you don't mind - i've noticed a decent 60hz hum on my GED-2112 going into a GK combo amp. (I've got the gain -20db set but maybe it's still too hot?) I think I can hear some hum on your video - is that true or was it just the video? I am going to try running through a plain power amp to some cabs. I also am going to try an EBTech hum eliminator. Was curious if you have noticed this.
There is a ground lift on the GED-2112 but it's for the XLR outputs. An Iso transformer as suggested should do the trick.