My Search May Be Over


Supporting Member
Mar 1, 2012
Endorsing artist: Lakland basses
I'd been slowly building up my rigs for a few years now and have small and medium both pretty locked. I have some PJ stuff I really like and a few different Bag End cabs that I'm also happy with. I wasn't gigging at all for the past few years so I didn't need to have a bigger concert/stage setup. But now that I'm regularly working again* I knew I would come to need a little more firepower.

I recently had 2 different class D heads up and die on me so I realized that I'd need something much more reliable as well as in the 500w and up range. Through the magic of the TB classifieds I think I've finally found "it"...

-A Genz Benz Shuttle 9.0 head powering a Phil Jones 9B cabinet. (I also run a Broughton HPF and a Zerofive Lowrider as always-on.)

I used this combination on my outdoor, big stage gig yesterday and it was, frankly, glorious. I want for nothing. (Except maybe backups for them.) ;)

Thanks for reading. Please share your valued opinions of your "My Quest Is Over" gear.

*BL answered my CL ad! Keep the faith, people.
My quest is over.

Pure Tone Amp Mini Tone is a 50W tube amp that only weights 4.2 Kg and sounds great + Barefaced Super Compact, the best cab I ever heard.
Total weight: 15 kg. Louder than you would think.

That’s funny @bassfran, my 9B sale financed my “my search my be over” setup!

In one way I was lucky GC stocks these new Ampeg heads/cabs and they had more than half the line across 3 different locations, but in another way I was unlucky because I had to go to GC like 4 times to properly A/B test.

GC, amirite?


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That’s funny @bassfran, my 9B sale financed my “my search my be over” setup!

In one way I was lucky GC stocks these new Ampeg heads/cabs and they had more than half the line across 3 different locations, but in another way I was unlucky because I had to go to GC like 4 times to properly A/B test.

GC, amirite?
Nice setup! You have a B15 model in the Quad Cortex -> Venture V12 with a B15 voicing? Isn't this too much B15 vibe? :smug:
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Nice setup! You have a B15 model in the Quad Cortex -> Venture V12 with a B15 voicing? Isn't this too much B15 vibe? :smug:

I was originally shopping for a very simple class D amp like a Seymour Powerstage 700, but I got the V12 barely used for the same price, and I can use it as a power amp or with the pre if I don’t want to bring the Quad.

When I’m using with the QC I go either FX return in or power amp in, it has both.
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-A Genz Benz Shuttle 9.0 head powering a Phil Jones 9B cabinet. (I also run a Broughton HPF and a Zerofive Lowrider as always-on.)
Nice! I'm about in the same boat. I'm spoiled with my Magellan800 +212(or 412) at home(and live)but my rehearsal room is where I'm thinking a similar change needs to happen. Got a Markbass r500 powering a pf-210 and a pf-115. Cabs are fine, I don't like the head. It's served me well but it's pretty harsh and not very sculpt-able. I am keeping an eye out for a Shuttle 9 or something in the vicinity on power. Can't go wrong with Genzler/Genz-Benz stuff!
My quest is over.

Pure Tone Amp Mini Tone is a 50W tube amp that only weights 4.2 Kg and sounds great + Barefaced Super Compact, the best cab I ever heard.
Total weight: 15 kg. Louder than you would think.

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I understand completely. I'm using my Shuttle 6.2 into a Barefaced One10T and One10. Completely satisfied.
My amp search totally ended when I invested in a Mesa Subway WD-800 and 115 for my living-room/backup rig. I've been playing live for years through a Reeves Custom 225 into a pair of MAS Bodai 110 cabs. I can't even imagine a rig that could make me sound any better than this pair does. :cool:
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