NA&CD, PJB & Peavy. Loud things come in small packages. Thanks, TB!!


trained monkey
Supporting Member
Aug 29, 2019
Pearland, TX
I decided it was time to upgrade from my 100W combo amp. Not that there is actually anything wrong with it, just GAS. The problem is that I don't presently have a lot of space. And then I though of PJB... the CAB47 is the perfect size. I'd not tried out a PJB before, but I watched a video by Phil Jones that described his background and the history of their products and the research they do, and I was sold. The PJB web site had a factory demo for a pretty good price, but I hadn't pulled the trigger yet.

So, what to power it? Again, on a little bit of a budget, and I'm not really trying to blow the doors off or anything, but I'd sure like some oomph when I want it. Heard good things here about the Peavey MiniMAX, which isn't too expensive. The TC BQ500 is even cheaper, but nobody seemed to have them in stock. So I was still just thinking about what to do.

Then a funny thing happened. I'm cruising the TB classifieds (never used them before), and someone had a MiniMAX that looked like it's in perfect condition, and at a great price. So I jumped on it. Lo and behold, maybe a day later, a CAB47 shows up in the classifieds, again, the picture looks like it's in terrific condition and the price was right. So I jumped on that as well. Total less than $650 shipped to my door.

And now they're both here and set up and I've gotten to play on them a little (more to come over the weekend). They certainly look the part:


Most importantly, they sound AMAZING. And they get LOUD. I am, at this point, just a home hobbyist, but if I ever decide to play out, these little things can really move some air. Not large venue air, but more than you'd think given their size. The PJB is easily the equal of any 4x10, and the MiniMAX sounds nice and clean even when pushed. Great match, and the whole package is nicely sized.

Thanks in particular to TBers @darkbass and @DanBass for both being a joy to order from. Way to go, TB classifieds!