NAD: Custom Loe Sounds Headphone Amp with art by my kid!

Riff Ranger

bass/guitar/vocals in Thunderhorn
Supporting Member
Mar 22, 2018
Bigfoot Country
Intrigued by a Loe Sounds headphone amp I came across on Instagram, I contacted Aisha Loe about having one made for me. Aisha’s partner, Fiona, typically handles the artwork, but I thought I would approach them about using art by my kid featuring the Hush, a tribe of silent people from a fantasy world she has been developing.

Aisha thought that sounded like a great idea. She let us know what materials to use and worked around the art with placement of all the electronics once we sent the painted enclosure her way. She was a pleasure to work with, and the smile speaks volumes of the results.


Really like the artwork! I’m a knife on staff guy myself.

How do you like the headphone amp?
I haven’t had a ton of time with it yet, but I like it for more than its looks. I imagine the sound quality depends largely upon the headphones plugged into it. Aisha says she just uses $20 Sony things, anything but earbuds. I use some decent Audio-Technica cans I bought specifically for their extended bass response, and with these, I would describe the sound as transparent and clear, even with the lows or mids boosted on the preamp of my Ibanez ATK and the amplifier’s volume maxed. The sweep on the volume seems just right. I look forward to trying some tiny battery powered pedals with it—pocket rig!
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