NBD - 1993-ish CIJ Fender '54 RI Blue Floral Precision Bass

Body and neck are flawless. Weighs less than 9lbs. Came with shiny, flawless PU and bridge covers, which I’ve removed. The only thing keeping it from being mint is some oxidation on the tuning machines. She plays and sounds great. Can’t imagine she was played much. If I could change one thing about her it’s the presumed to be basswood body. I prefer alder or ash because they are more durable.

Why did I buy her? I love the first generation P-basses, both in appearance and sound (their non-HB-ing single coil PU barks harder than the newer split PU’s). Throw in a hippy finish and a good price and I was all over it.


I hope you got good bucks for it back in the day because when the market peaked right before the 2008-09 housing/ market crash those puppies could have fetched $12-15K, if not more if you found the right customer.

Although I had come across many original pink paisley basses, the one one I bought was the very first blue floral I had ever seen (even though I had been in the business for several years at that point.) The bass was not perfect, as I recall part of the finish being cracked down to the blue floral covering underneath, but I was thrilled to have it. I think I bought it for somewhere between $600-$800. I used it for 1 gig, then decided to sell it - I believe for somewhere around $1,500 at the time (early 90's.)

By the prices you mentioned, I should have definitely held onto it!